Monday, November 26, 2007

Pharmaceutical naming

I know most of my rants are about TV or advertising, there is a reason for that. Its just that bad! My next case is pharmaceutical naming... Why do they feel the need to use a word that slightly means what the medicine does? And misspell it too? They they have to act Hi-Tec and put some random letters after it. Especially the ones that mean "Good" somehow. Like Effexor XR... Hmm Effect... But they have to misspell is and make it look cool so its Effexor. It effects you as its an antidepressant. Look! XR thats cool and Hi-tec! I like Hi-tec! I better get some! Whats next... Abilify... Okay Ability? Yes, its a drug that gives you abilities? I dont know, it claims to help schizophrenic brains... I think they would boost their sales if they put XT or SX after the name. Let me try this drug naming game... Concentril LR and ADHD drug. Or Hapilate A an antidepressant.

Next time I have a headache I'll buy Migracine not Aspirin because who know what aspirin does? It doesn't tell you in the name!

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