Thursday, June 18, 2009

Life travels. Or is it life, travel?

The older I get the more I become numb to events in my life. I find myself thinking "wow this is big" followed quickly by "Look the DOW is down 10 points, hmm". Recently I got married in Maui, made good progress on my home remodel and have a baby coming in six months. How did I take the news of becoming a father? I was excited, happy and a little freaked but it lasted all of 30 minutes spread out over a day or so and now life is back to normal. yay... Here is another example of this "condition". I'm a fairly young man, ripe old age of 28. I go to Hawaii nearly every year for the past 5 years because its close and relatively cheap. Do I get excited about that? Not until i'm in the air, even then I'm not jazzed until i'm in my swim suit and about to jump in the water... Wait a second, they have a name for this... Depression? Maybe, oh well. Last think I need are some drugs.

Moving on, I just found out I get to travel to Amsterdam for work! This I am excited about! I've never really been out of county except for Canada and Mexico which dont really count in my book. I'll also be going to Germany for a few days so it'll be fun!

Alright, the coffee kick is waining so i'm out of things to talk about.

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