This is nothing new yet so many people are shocked that they cant loose weight.
It's my genes some say or my favorite "I cant help it".
I like everyone else go to grocery stores and I see people with their frozen dinners, their sugar drinks, their cookies, chips, et cetera. Guess what, they're fat, worse is their young children are also fat AT 7 YEARS OLD! These people are killing their kids. I do put the blame on them, not "evil corporations" corporations are in existence to make money, they sell this junk because its what people want.
People think that drugs are bad - if they're abused or good if they're meant to help you. First of all, people want a pill to help their cholesterol then make their way to McDonald's for dinner... But just as powerful as pills is nutrition in general. Almost all of our ill's spawn from our horrid diets. We take pills for so many things that could have been prevented by having a healthy diet.
I went to the doctor recently, a naturopath - I do not see "regular doctors" because they usually try to treat symptoms and not fix the problem. I found out that i'm gluten intolerant and hypoglycemic. This was not too big of a deal as diet was filled with rice as my grain of choice... Although I do love a good beer... They will be missed. There are so many delicious food choices without including gluten that its not a big deal, just making sure that things like sauces do not have any in it. The hypoglycemia I assume is due to my diet growing up, I was not taught proper nutrition and ate candy and sugar junk my entire childhood. This is all on how ridiculous I think people who "cant help it" are. Not only do I not eat junk, i'm limited on my healthy options with my condition and still have PLENTY of options. I get annoyed when I want some dried fruit and 90% has added sugar!Fruit! Its already sweet! You dehydrate is and its even sweeter! But we need MORE sugar...
I'm so glad the health care bill passed, not I get to pay a part of my salary to take care of the people who refuse to take care of themselves. God bless our no fault society, the person eating chips and cookies just cant help it... Nature will not let you off that easy.