Monday, October 19, 2009

The 5 senses.

I have a phobia.
It's easy to identify.

Nothing scares me as much as another Human.
Nothing offends me as much as another Human.
Nothing can be as brutal to my 5 senses...

There are things that are offensive that don't bother me. Low tide smell, its natural. If someone is ugly, there isn't anything they can do about it... But when someone literally smells like month old baby diapers? Thats a problem. A little BO? Meh, bad but there are excuses. Smelling like shit when you don't live in it (she was on the shuttle to work) is NOT acceptable. Even if you're missing that sense, the standard procedures of living should prevent month old baby diaper shit smell... Go forth and shower.

That is all.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


This is quite retarded...
Who are these people that feel the need to update their "status" consistently? Worse, who cares to read what someone is doing at that moment? I care that Billy is going to the library or Sally is about to buy some squash? Purely stupid... Just people wanting to be on top of "what's cool". If you care about what someone is doing, ask yourself why... If its because you want to know what they're up to then GIVE THEM A CALL and hangout!

"Well, what about following your favorite actor or musician" You're even more retarded, find a real hobby. You can also find them on something crazy called a website or even more crazy - in print or at the movies \ music store.

"what about news, The Iran election was huge for Twitter" CNN worked fine for me. I need a million kids putting bogus crap up?

The internet was a pretty neat thing a few years back, I think we'll recognize it as the golden years. Now that everyone one and their soccer moms are on the net, retarded mass pop culture has took control.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Life travels. Or is it life, travel?

The older I get the more I become numb to events in my life. I find myself thinking "wow this is big" followed quickly by "Look the DOW is down 10 points, hmm". Recently I got married in Maui, made good progress on my home remodel and have a baby coming in six months. How did I take the news of becoming a father? I was excited, happy and a little freaked but it lasted all of 30 minutes spread out over a day or so and now life is back to normal. yay... Here is another example of this "condition". I'm a fairly young man, ripe old age of 28. I go to Hawaii nearly every year for the past 5 years because its close and relatively cheap. Do I get excited about that? Not until i'm in the air, even then I'm not jazzed until i'm in my swim suit and about to jump in the water... Wait a second, they have a name for this... Depression? Maybe, oh well. Last think I need are some drugs.

Moving on, I just found out I get to travel to Amsterdam for work! This I am excited about! I've never really been out of county except for Canada and Mexico which dont really count in my book. I'll also be going to Germany for a few days so it'll be fun!

Alright, the coffee kick is waining so i'm out of things to talk about.